Otázky ke zkoušce pro denní studium EkF - AJ
The Business Intermediate
Examination questions
1 U 1
What issues does corporate culture refer to?
What are common unwritten rules in many businesses?
2 U 1
How can companies help interns to adapt to their work culture? How can an
organigram be useful?
What parts does a placement report consist of?
3 U 2
What are the positive and negative aspects of working in a call centre?
What are the reasons for and against outsourcing call centres from industrialized
countries to the developing world?
4 U 2
How does a helpline operator deal efficiently with a customer’s problem?
What are the ‘golden rules’ of customer service?
5 U 3
Why is the packaging of products important?
What is wrap rage and what triggers it?
6 U 3
How do you organize and deliver an effective product presentation?
What are the features and benefits of a product?
7 U 4
What is the difference between careers ten or fifteen years ago and careers today?
What are some useful tips for creating a successful career?
8 U 4
How should you prepare for a job interview? What questions can you expect?
What parts does a CV consist of? How can the resume styles be different?
9 U 5
How can e-tailers increase sales through specific marketing techniques?
What are some positive and negative aspects to shopping in an e-store and shopping
in a high street store?
10 U 5
How can you negotiate successfully? What issues might be subject to negotiation in
What is the content of a business proposal?
11 U 6
What is corporate social responsibility? What groups of people does a company
have responsibility towards? What conflicts of interest are there between the groups?
How is corporate America changing for the better?
12 U 6
Why should companies invest time and money in community projects?
What are the essentials of a successful meeting?
13 U 7
What are the risks and opportunities in mergers and acquisitions?
How can you describe a business performance? Give an example of a business you
know well.
14 U 7
What different visual tools can you use in a presentation?
What are the guidelines for preparing PowerPoint slides?
15 U 8
How can selling your product in other countries be more difficult than at home? What
lessons do exporters have to learn?
What are the different methods of payment in international trade?
16 U 8
What is the difference between low-context and high-context cultures and what does it
mean for international negotiators?
What is your philosophy on credit? What different types of correspondence may a
company use regarding payments?